Here is a store spotted in the Super Brand mall in Shanghai. It is a Chinese brand called Hazzys which is trying to capture the classic preppy look ala Polo RL. When you look at their website, you see that their stores are only located in China but all the models appear to be blond Americans. What is interesting is how disjointed the props are within the windows (this is only my opinion) and how even though there are so many of them, they fail to tell a story. Perhaps it is the blandness of the beige walls, maybe it's the busyness of the display or it could be the "inauthentic" point of view (as in, I think we have seen this somewhere before).
Windows should be unique to a brand and should help communicate the brand message. Do they do that successfully in these windows?
The first thought that crossed my mind wjen wieving these pictures was a garage sale. Although advertising might work slight differently in Asia, it sure looks messy :)
By the way, some of the text is mixed up with the images in the post:) (using firefox 3.0.6)
I had not thought of it but like the garage sale analogy - good call.
thanks for the tip on text - i wish I knew how to fix it. slowly trying to get more tech savvy!
like your blog.
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