Growing up, as the daughters of a haberdasher, who was the son of one, menswear is in our blood. Exposed to the business at a young age, we helped our father by folding sweaters on Sundays as he wrote up his orders. From there, my fascination with the business grew and I especially loved the notions and trims that filled the tailor shop.
So this window caught my eye yesterday at Barney's. Highlighting the 'Made to Measure' offerings with the various threads and supplies needed to complete the garments, I love the layered look of this window. Which reminded me of another window seen back in February, juxtaposing the classic trench with office files and a filing cabinet. The window on the left has the back story reference of how the clothes are made, while on the right, it shows where the clothes are worn.
Is it a coincidence that "office" files are the same color as the classic "business" trench coat? I'm not sure, but I do know, it's true what they say about the clothing business..."when the lint gets in your blood, it's hard to get it out".